Inked Dreams Comics

Gray Cells Comic

Stephen King crossed with True Detective

140 pages of suspense as journalist, Lina Santos, hunts for a child abductor no-one believes exists.

Hints and tips for how to make a comic book


Wally Wood’s 22 panels with examples

Propagated by his former assistant, Lara Hama, while an editor at Marvel, Wally Wood’s 22 panels that always work is a handy shortcut for composing a comic. In this article, we will take a look at each of the 22 alongside some iconic examples.

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How to compose a comic panel

From the Ancient Greeks to the New Gods, from the Leonardo DaVinci to Leonardo the Turtle, composition has always been an essential component of art. It is the difference between something being drawn accurately and something being drawn beautifully. So, what is the secret to great composition?

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Creating beautiful women – A colorists guide

Whether you prefer a natural look, bold colors, or something in-between, one thing is for sure, men and women have been using make-up to augment their appearance for centuries. Doing the same in your coloring can add another level to your characters.

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Color Theory 101

Color is one of the most effective tools in visual communication. With its power to alter our emotions and attitude, as a comic artist, we must be meticulous about how we mix our colors.

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How to plot your comic book

We all know a story needs a beginning, a middle, and an end. We’ve heard it from teachers, as a handy factoid from our parents, we’ve even heard it as well-meaning advice from friends, but, it’s very rare for anyone to explain what those three things are.

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Use LICE to flesh out your writing

Mary Robinette Kowal’s formula for building plots and sub-plots in your comic. If you’ve read part one on this series on plotting your comic, you should have a skeleton of plot for your book. This next article is designed to help you put some meat on the bones.

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How to pace a story

Blake Snyder’s famous book, Save the Cat, is touted as “the last book on screenwriting you’ll ever need”. Its words of wisdom have guided many in Hollywood to success in the 16 years since it was first released, but can they be applied to the world of comics? I think so.

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4 ways to make a good Superman story

You can count on one hand the number of great Superman stories out there but they do exist. In this article we will break down what makes them work and what it takes to make the Man of Steel interesting without taking away his powers.

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7 Legendary Comic Art Styles You Should Know About

Comics as an art form have snowballed since its inception in the late nineteenth century, with artists adapting to different art styles in their comic strips. With the emergence of modern digital graphic formats, artists are empowered to up their artistry, comic palette and exposure to the market.

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Who are Inked Dreams?

We are a group of comic collaborators who came together via social media to create art. Our latest comic book, Gray Cells, is about to be released through UK publisher Markosia.

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